Sunday 31 January 2010


"Let's have chicken stew for today's dinner", my father requested. I knew what it took for that request to be fulfilled. I had no ways to decline it either. I was on my school break and had lots of free times.

My house stood on the middle of the meadow. It was an open house without any fence and gate. The nearest neighbour was about 100 metres away. My father took this opportunity to stock some hens and cocks just for his favourite food; chicken stew. He didn't like to use the chicken sold at the market. He liked the fresh one, processed by ourselves.

I went inside the bedroom and changed into short pant and short sleeve T-shirt. The most suitable outfit I could find. It will cost me lots of sweating to catch a cock in that hot and sunny mid-day. I took a rubber band and tied up my hair like a pony-tail so that it won't disturb my vision.

I went out to where my father was. "There you go. The black one", my father pointed to the cock that he wanted me to catch. Huh! It was hot. While sighing, I warned my father, "Dad, if I got high fever for running in this hot weather, I will blame your chicken stew!" Then I walked slowly into the meadow towards the cock. "Don't worry! I will use that chicken stew to treat you. Hahahah", I could hear my father was laughing. He really knew how to make full use of his daughter. I cynically respected him for that. But I didn't mind at all. I loved to make him happy. And I knew he loved me more than anything else.

I planned to catch the cock by walking slowly towards it, but it failed. The cock already realised my presence before I could get close enough to catch it with my bare hand. Now, the cock started running away from me. I got no other choices anymore except to follow the cock's pace. It ran around my house. I started running too, trying to get as close as possible to it.

I already ran around my house about 10 laps. I could feel the fatigue coming on its way. But the cock was still running hard. It felt like the cock was challenging me. It looked like it was saying, "A girl like you would never be able to catch a cock like me. Don't make me laugh." My pride was provoked. I could not stand it. I wanted to show to the cock what I was made of. How could it challenged me when it didn't even know how high my competitive streak was? It was higher than Mount Everest; the highest mountain in this world! I was furious with the cock. I wanted to turn it into the stew as soon as possible.

I chased it hard too. Now, the cock was just in front of me. But still I could not reach it with my bare hand. I became more furious. I didn't like to see it escaped just before my eyes. With the anger built up inside me, I jumped and flew over the cock. I fell directly on the cock. The cock was under my stomach. Thank goodness, I didn't hit it hard. It was still alive.

I heard my mother and my sister yelled while laughing from the verandah, "Hey, are you some kind of superman?" I gave them a little smirk. They didn't know how much my pride was hurt because of this one cock. I took the cock out from under my stomach. "This is what you got when you showed off in front of me. You should never try to underestimate a girl like me. But don't worry, I will repay you. I will turn you into a very delicious chicken stew. Hahahah", I laughed proudly and brought it to my father.

Cerita ini adelah rekaan semata-mata. Tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup ataupun yang mati.

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